
Passenger, SUV and Light Truck Commercial Truck, OTR and RV


My Store 1100 Division St. Pontiac, IL 61764

Open Today M-F 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, SAT 8 AM - Noon,

SUN Closed,

24 Hour Towing and On-The-Road Tire Service

After Hours phone number # (815) 844-5508

Call now Schedule Service

Michelin Destiny Tires

All Season Passenger Car/Minivan.


  • MaxTouch Construction™, a unique contact patch shape and design that allows for long-lasting, even treadwear
  • Michelin Comfort Control Technology™ uses computer-optimized design and precision manufacturing to offer greatly reduced vibrations and road noise
  • An all-weather tread pattern includes full-depth sipes for exceptional traction in rain or snow that lasts throughout the entire life of the tire
  • 80,000 Mile Limited Warranty for Treadwear or Mileage - Speed Rating S, T
  • Standard Limited Warranty (All Michelin® Tires)


  • Quiet, Comfortable Ride
  • Sure Grip in Wet and Snow


Ezytire Toolbox